Friday, November 29, 2019
Stratification Theory Essay Example
Stratification Theory Paper Max Weber Socia Stratification So, while the above quotation may be a rather hackneyed phrase (to me and countless long-suffering sociology examiners, if not to you, since youre probably encountering It for the first time), it does sensitive us to a couple of major ideas (my advice here is to remember these ideas and forget about trying to sneak the quotation into your exam). That Weber addressed many of the same concerns addressed by Marx. That Weber came to substantially different conclusions to those interpreted by Marx. While this should come as no great surprise if youve been studying sociology for some time (and I would suggest that its probably a good idea to have gained some experience In handling sociological ideas and concepts before you attempt to tackle he concept of social stratification In any depth) sociologists frequently Interpret evidence In radically different ways It should alert you to the fact that there are a number of clear differences between the ideas, arguments and conclusions put forward by Weber and Marx in relation to social stratification. The task of these Notes, therefore, is to help you understand and evaluate both Weepers ideas and their relationship to Marxist ideas. Before we continue any further however, It might be useful to note that, for theoretical purposes, Ive classified Weber as a Conflict Theorist, for three good seasons: A. Firstly, because that is my interpretation of his general sociology. We will write a custom essay sample on Stratification Theory specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stratification Theory specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stratification Theory specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer B. Secondly, because he talks In terms of the way In which social structures condition unman Detonator. Deer recognizes ten way In wanly structural relations denotable at the level of social class, status and power affect human behavior and consciousness and his interpretation of this relationship makes him, I would suggest, rather different to Interactions sociologists. C. Although Weber puts more emphasis than most structuralism sociologists on the importance of human consciousness and subjectivity, he does not make this the coco of his research. On the contrary, like most Conflict theorists, Weber analyses the nature of human consciousness within a structural context he may have come to different conclusions to Marxist Conflict theorists, but he appears to have more in common with the latter (in terms of his central sociological concerns) than with Interactions perspectives. However, since the whole perspective question is such a significant one in relation to A-level sociology, this might be a good place to note a number of points raised by Mary Maynard (Sociological Theory) in relation to the whole idea of sociological respective A. How Social Stratification Is Defined. Unlike Marx, Weepers analysis of social stratification was not rooted in or linked to any attempt to formulate a general historical analysis of social development. While, in common with Marx, Weber argued that class stratification had a clear and important economic dimension, he believed that two other related dimensions of stratification, namely: a. Status and b. Party (or political power) needed to be included if a full analysis and understanding of the rich social variety of different forms of social stratification was to be obtained. Thus, as has been suggested above, in order to understand the relative significance of Weepers three dimensions of stratification: a. Class b. Status and c. Party we need initially to know how they are both defined and inter-related and, in order to do this we need to further understand that all three dimensions are, for Weber, rooted in the concept of power. If you are unsure about how Weber (and others) have defined and used the concept of power then it would be useful to work your way through the Notes on Concepts ere In ten Power Ana Politics section AT ten course Detour you go any Turner since the following assumes you have a basic understanding of Weepers use of the concept of power). Central to Weepers analysis of social stratification in all its forms was the idea that we need to understand two basic things: Firstly, how societies are organized in hierarchical systems of domination and subordination (in terms of both individual and collective hierarchies). Secondly, the significance of power in the determination of social relationships based upon domination and subordination. In this respect, there are two basic dimensions to the concept of power that we need to understand: a. The possession of power: According to Weber, the ability to possess power derives from the individuals ability to control various social resources. These resources can be anything and everything and might include things like: Land, Capital, Social respect, Physical strength, Intellectual knowledge, In basic terms, the definition off social resource is simply something that is both socially desirable and in some sense limited (that is, it can be possessed by some but not others). As I hope you will appreciate, this concept of social resource is both: 1 . Extremely flexible (almost anything can qualify as a social resource) and 2. Liable to vary in time (for example, at different points in the historical development of a society) and space (for example, between different societies / cultures). Activity Give examples of social resources that have varied in their significance in both time and space. For example: Time In our society in the asses, ownership of a television was a form of power since it conferred status upon owners of this social resource. Nowadays, because television ownership is not limited, no such status is given to ownership of this resource. Space In our collects, meal doctors are generally well-pal Ana nave Nell status This is not true of all societies (the old Soviet union being a good example). B. The exercising of power: The ability to exercise power takes a number of different forms, but all involve the idea that it means the ability to get your own way with others, regardless of their ability to resist you. In terms of understanding the relationship between power and social stratification, Weber theorized the various ways in which societies are organized in hierarchical systems of domination and subordination using the following major concepts: 1 . Class Power (Class): This was theorized by Weber on the basis of unequal access to material sources. For example, if I possess something that you want (or, better still from my point of view, need) then this makes me potentially more powerful than you. I am in a dominant position and you are in a subordinate position because I control access to a desired social resource. A classic illustration here is the relationship between an employer and employee. Explain this relationship on the basis of control of resources / power. 2. Social Power (Status): If you respect me or view me as your social superior, then I will potentially be able to exercise power over you (since you will respond positively to my instructions / commands). In this respect, social status is a social resource simply because I may have it while you may not 3. Political Power (Party): This form of power is related to the way in which the State is organized in modern social systems (involving the ability to make laws, for example). If you can influence this process of law creation then you will be in a potentially powerful position. Thus, by your ability to influence a decision-making process you possess power, even though you may not directly exercise that power personally. Political parties are the organizational means to possess power through the mechanism of the State and they include not Just formally organized parties, but any group that is organized to influence the way in which power is exercised legitimately through the machinery of the State. For example: Status groups (political organizations that exist to protect the social status of a particular group Walton society Tort example: I en Brattles Meal Escalation) Interest groups (political organizations that exist to advance the interests of a particular section of society by attempting to influence the way decisions are taken by government). Give some examples of: a. Status groups: b. Interest groups: What this means, therefore, is that if you are in a position to influence a decision- making process then you are in a position of power. By your ability to influence this process you possess power, even though you may not directly exercise power. Obvious examples here might be exercising power through your ability to influence: a. Political parties (for example, through donating money to them). B. The making of laws (for example, through ownership of the mass media, your influence with a party in government). In our political system, political parties are organized to possess power through the Achaeans of the State. As Ive suggested above, this involves not only formally organized political parties, but also any group that is organized to attempt to influence the way in which power is (legitimately) exercised through the agencies of the State (pressure groups, status groups, interest groups . One of the strengths of this approach to the understanding of social stratification is the fact that it identifies three separate but inter-dependent dimensions of stratification: namely class, status and power. Its important that you dont see these three dimensions of stratification as either / r categories (that is, an individual as either economically powerful (class) or socially powerful (status) or politically powerful (party)). In the real world each dimension tends to be very closely related to one another such that: People who are economically powerful tend also to have a relatively high standing in the community (status) and are able to use these two forms of power to influence the political process in some way (for example, attempting to influence the government into passing laws favorable to such people). Slung ten concept AT values, snow now we can apply tens concept to unreason TN allegations between class and status in our society. This separation between class, status and power was not unique to Weber, since if you think about it for a moment, we have seen that Marx was well aware of these three different forms of power. Like Weber, Marx viewed these dimensions of stratification as: a. Theoretically distinct and b. Empirically inter-dependent. What this means, in simple terms, is that we can define these dimensions separately for the sake of theoretical convenience / clarity, but it is impossible to separate them empirically in the real world of human social interaction. Where Marx tended to differ from Weber was in the basic emphasis he placed upon each of the three dimensions the economic dimension was, according to Marx, the most significant one, since possession of economic power invariably leads to the possession of status and political power. In this respect, we have already seen, in an earlier Study Pack, the way in which Marx related economic power to status and political power when he talked about the distinction between infrastructure and superstructure in society. To which of these areas, according to Marx, does each dimension of power belong? Weber was, of course, also aware of the problems involved in the personalization of these three concepts, since it is evident that: High class, High status and High power are most commonly found together in our society (it is unusual, for example, to find someone who is immensely wealthy without their also enjoying high social status and political power). However, where Weber differed from Marx was in the relative emphasis that he placed upon the significance of each dimension of stratification. As we have seen, class forms of stratification (your relationship to a means of production) tended, for Marx, to be most significant. The focus of Mars analysis tended to be on the system as a whole, rather than the individual problems of placement within that system. Weber, on the other hand, was more concerned to analyses the way in which social systems were stratified at the level of individuals / social groups the way in which, for example, people doing much the same sort of work could have quite different levels AT status Ana / or power. In this respect, we can see here two things: a. The importance of theoretical perspective. Both Marx and Weber were looking at the same things, using very similar incepts. However, their analysis and conclusions tended to differ mainly because they were concerned to explain different things. B. Marx and Weber were in many ways complimentary to each other, sociologically, in the sense that they both tell us useful things about the nature of social stratification. Marx tells us something about the general nature of social stratification (a kind of macro picture). Weber tells us something about the specific nature of social stratification (a kind of micro picture). In this respect, this difference is reflected in terms of their overall theoretical respective, whereby Mars conflict approach can be contrasted with Weepers conflict perspective on the basis that the former emphasized the importance of social structure (the way in which individual behavior is conditioned by the general structure of social relationships) while the latter emphasized the importance of social action (the ability of individuals to influence the nature of their social relationships in sociologically significant ways). Since Weepers conception of social action is important, it might be opportune here to digress slightly by outlining some f the major elements in Weepers approach to the understanding of the social world Social Action Theory: A Hibernia Perspective. Max Weber is a difficult sociologist to pigeon-hole in perspective terms (for reasons that will become clear in a moment), since he doesnt fit neatly into the usual Structuralism / Interactions dichotomy so beloved of sociology textbooks. However, in terms of this dichotomy, Weber is closer to the Conflict Structuralism perspective since it is clear that in much of his sociological analysis he focuses upon the way in which the structure of peoples relationships influence (but not determine) peoples behavior. The confusion over his theoretical status largely stems from the fact that Weber concerned himself with the attempt to make sense of the rational basis of the choices of behavior made by individuals in their daily lives; that is, he attempted to analyses human behavior at an individual level within the context of a clear sense of structural constraint (the choices we make about how to behave socially are clearly contralto others). A Day ten structural relationship wanly we Don Tort Ana are Tort For Weber, therefore, society is created through social interaction (it is not something hat is naturally given) and such interaction involves the conscious behavior of thinking, reflective, individuals. People, in effect, make choices about their lives, their group memberships and so forth and these are neither pre-determined nor pre- destined. As we have seen, power was a very important concept for Weber and he used it to explain the way in which societies both change and remain relatively stable and orderly. Social change, for Weber, came about in many ways: a. Purposeful social action people thinking about the nature of society and acting purposefully to develop and change the way they live. . The unintended consequences of social actions for example, wars bring about social change in ways that may not have been intended by their participants . Economic conflicts that marry both purposeful social action and unintended outcomes. In this respect, we can see that, unlike Marx, Weber emphasized the way in which social change could come about in ways that did not simply involve class conflicts (as we see when we look at his analysis of the relationship between social change and the role of religion). In this sense, therefore, power struggles occur throughout society and, while economic power is a crucial variable in this st ruggle, it is not the only one. Powerful groups other than social classes may arise within a society from time to time and the power struggle between them may involve interests that are not specifically economic. In this respect, Hibernia sociology is sometimes seen as a pluralist perspective, in the sense that societies are invariably seen to involve a variety of different groups (a plurality), each possessing (or competing for) greater or lesser forms of power. As we have already seen, such groups may be of the class, status or party variety (or, more usually, a combination of each) The basis of each group is: Class the relationship each group has to the means of economic production, in addition to a variety of factors such as technical skills and educational qualifications that affect an individuals market situation independently of the ownership / non-ownership of property. B. Status a group that is related on the basis of a parity of esteem (a group of equals), ten Oasis Tort wanly Is a groups pattern AT consumption (or Testily). C. Party a group that is organized in some way for the taking / exercising of political power. Such groups may be class based, but they may also draw their membership from a variety of social classes. On the basis of the above, social stratification represented, for Weber, the way in which the distribution of power in any society becomes institutionalized that is, starts to assume a relatively stable pattern of social behavior that exists over a long period and the economic aspect (class) was considered to be neither more nor less important in terms of stratification than the status and party dimensions. To understand why this should be so we need to look briefly at the different sociological tauter of the concepts of class, status and party. . Economic class, for Weber, was considered to be an objective sociological / political category. That is, it was a statistical category to which people could be sociologically allocated on the basis of their market situation. While people could, of course, be conscious of belonging to a particular economic class, Weber argued that this was not assured; Just because, as sociologists, we can objectively allocate people to a particular category doesnt mean that: a. People accept that they belong to that category. For example, someone who can be classified as working class on the basis of their objective market position as a road sweeper may (subjectively) believe themselves to be middle class and this will have important social consequences for their social behavior. B. People placed into the same objective category necessarily think and act in similar ways. One major problem for Marxist is the fact that class is such a central theoretical concept in their analysis. Class is more than Just a statistical category; it is the expression of a whole set of norms, values, beliefs, interests and so forth. In this respect, to (over)simplify the situation, each class in capitalist society has its own set of class interests the proletariats interests involve taking-over the means of production and holding them in common, while the interests of the bourgeoisie are basically to prevent the proletariat doing Just that. Whereas the ruling class recognize their basic class interests, a problem arises when the proletariat do not seem to recognize their class interests when, in effect, they show no overwhelming desire to overthrow the bourgeoisie. For Marxist, the robber here is how to explain why something has not happened in the way that it should be happening / should have happened. In short, based upon the assumption that the proletariat should see it to be in their interests to throw off their exploitation Day ten Doorbells, Marxist nave to explain winy ten proletariat nave not Addenda predicted and to do this they have employed a variety of concepts (false consciousness, ideological indoctrination and so forth) to try to explain the shortfall between prediction and reality. According to Weber, on the other hand, we must avoid the trap of assuming that, cause people can be objectively assigned a particular class their failure to act in ways that further their objective class interests have to be explained in terms of such concepts as false consciousness or ideological distortions introduced through a ruling class control of various agencies of colonization (education, mass media, etc. ). People may appear to act in ways that are not in their interests for a variety of reasons and we can only understand these reasons by looking at the (subjective) dimensions of status and party. The concepts of status and party add a subjective dimension to social stratification, n terms of the fact that they allow Weber to theorize an element of conscious social organization that is related to but also separate from economic class. In this respect, we can see the basis for some of the theoretical confusion that tends to surround the pigeon-holing of Weber, in the sense that his form of conflict structuralism includes reference not simply to social structures but also to the subjective consciousness of individual social actors.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Anti-mosquito candle Essays
Anti-mosquito candle Essays Anti-mosquito candle Paper Anti-mosquito candle Paper Again, the foul smell of belching a mixture of chemicals to produce smoke can cause health problems too particularly those who suffer room asthma. The researcher of this study finds a solution to go natural in preventing the deadly mosquitoes from infesting our households. The study incorporates the tested herbal plant in a mixture of wax to come up with mosquito-repelling candles or the anti;mosquito candles. It is not uncommon that in a rural place like in Indoor, many households still rely on candles and other burner during nights. The use of lighting is more evident during intermittent outage of electricity. All these having considered, the use of this product will benefit many households not only in the local bargain where he study was tested but to other community who wants to use a natural and effective way to prevent the bites of mosquitoes. Chapter IV Research Plan a. Rationale The reported cases of Dengue are very alarming. Aside from fogging, cleaning and eliminating the breeding places of these mosquito, some households use mosquito killers to at least minimize the pests that room inside their house infesting people. But sad to say, the commercially produced insect killers and mosquito repellents that are available over the Counters are usually chemically produced which oftentimes are harmful to our health. Having to consider the elate effects of chemicals, the researcher tried to find out a substance that is safe and environmentally friendly. Oregano or Oregano Vulgar is the answer. It contains a chemical called Carroll; a natural oil insect repellent. The researcher mixed it in making a candle thus the candle is now called Anti-Mosquito Candle. It is good that while the candle is giving lights during brown outs it also eliminates mosquitoes. B. Statement of the Problem Generally this will study aim to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its user against mosquito c. Specific statement of the problem Is there any significance difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito candle made from oregano in terms of length of time? D. Statement of the Hypothesis There will be no significant difference between commercial candle and anti- mosquito candle made from oregano oil in terms of length of time e. Risk and Safety In conducting this study the researcher will use molten wax that can have severe burn damage to the skin. To avoid any harm or danger the researcher will use gloves to avoid accidents. The researcher will also need adult guidance to avoid unnecessary accidents, and f. Materials and Procedure In conducting this S. I. P. There are materials needed and procedure to follow. These are the following materials that are needed in this product and its uses. Wick Paraffin Scissor Stove Double broiler Lighter Cooking gloves/potholder Mold Oregano oil Stick Mixing spoon Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. Put the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of Oregano oil and the melted wax easily and ruefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. G. Data analysis Trials Anti-Moss auto Candle Commercial Mosquito Coil 49 minutes and 31 seconds 2 40 minutes and 23 seconds 3 50 minutes and 16 seconds The table shows the result of time consumed in each candle. In the first candles, in anti-mosquito candle consumed 49 minutes and 31 seconds while the commercial product is 44 minutes and 7 seconds. The second candles, the researchers product consumed 40 minutes and 23 seconds and the commercial candle consumed 57 minutes and 47 seconds. And last the anti- mosquito candle consumed 50 minutes and 16 seconds and the commercial reduce 58 minutes and 1 second. That is the result of the time consumed of each candle. Chapter V Introduction a. Background of the Study This study: the Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (oregano vulgar) oil is intended to help families with their mosquito problems. According to Department of Health (DOD), 42,207 dengue cases are reported in 2013. About 193 deaths were recorded from January to June alone. These are the total cases reported in every region. To help reduce the dengue cases, the researcher introduces oregano as component of a product mixture to repel mosquito. It contains the chemical compound Carroll which acts to peel insect. It has a warm and distinct odor of oregano that mosquito hates. Further, oregano oil is as strong as chlorine bleach and can be used in cleaning. The hospitalizing cost may be burdensome for a family having a meager income. It is not uncommon that most rural communities affected by dengue are those households with less expenditure for health purpose. With the use of this product, it would prevent the hospital expenses that may be incurred by the family. The research also intends to introduce alternative to chemically prepared mosquito repellent solutions. Research studies found armful ingredients in chemically prepared insect-repellent products that may cause health problems ranging from skin irritation, vomiting, reproductive and immune system disorder, and even cancer. The solution made from oregano plant mixed in candles is similar to the traditional candle making blend with aromatic oils. As an alternative to chemical-based mixture, the candles may serve dual purpose-? lighting in case of power outage and preventing mosquito bites. In this research, we measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the product compare to the ordinary candle commercially distributed in local stores. It is expected to identify the difference between the two types of candles. Finally with basis, to recommend further study to expand the use of the product which has beneficial effect to the users. B. Statement of the problem Generally this study aims to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its users against mosquito c. Statement of the Hypothesis There is no significant difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito Candle made from Oregano oil in terms of length of time d. Significance of the Study In this study Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil candle will have some beneficial effects to the people. People avoiding harmful insecticides, insect repellents, and mosquito coil can benefit from the natural ingredient of Anti Mosquito Candle. This study will significant to the study. Community- many people use harmful insecticide, and now they can use this candle to avoid mosquitoes Seller/Producer- this product may use in business or other, because people need this when having blackout and trouble with mosquito People Avoiding Harmful Chemicals- many people avoiding harmful chemicals, and those chemicals can be harmful to health of other peoples e. Scope and Limitation This study focuses the effectiveness of Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil to mosquito, and only for mosquito not for any types of insects or other pest. The Citronella will be the main ingredient. Citronella has the ability to keep away mosquito from us. This product will be conducted in Mascot, Victoria, Oriental Indoor at the Fatherlands residence. The period of the study covers from September 2014 to February 2015. F. Definition of Terms In conducting this product there are words that may encounter in this research paper. The researcher gave some definition of terms. Oregano- is a common species of oregano, a genus of mint family high aromatic leaves. Wax- a class of chemical compounds that are plastic = this is used to make candles Candle- is a solid block of wax with and embedded wick which ignite to provide light = this is the product of the researcher Oregano oil- the extract of oregano plant. = it has the warm odor of oregano that mosquito hates Mosquito- are family of small, midge-like flies. = it is the insect that usually harmful to humans g. Review of Related Literature and Studies In this study the researcher browse on encyclopedia and internet. He found out that oregano is used for cooking, medicinal herb, and also to repel insects. According to Dry. Marcela oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, foliate, iron, magnesium, vitamin BE, calcium, and potassium. There are top 5 health benefits of oregano those were [1 Antioxidants for Immune System Support. Initiating, Antibacterial, and May Even Kill MRS.. Anti-inflammatory Properties. Useful for Upper Respiratory Infections. Cancer-fighting Effects. Those are the top 5 benefits of oregano. According to Dry. Edward F. Oregano oil was strong as the chlorine bleach. Mosquitoes are insects which make up the family Culicids. According to World Health Organization (WHO) Mosquitoes or Aides Egypt are the main vector that transmits the viruses that cause dengue. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (homoeopathy) from Other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease per year by the spread of diseases. Vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions Chapter VI Methodology A. Materials and Equipment In making the SIP there are materials and equipment that are needed. And these are the following: Wick- used to have light in the candle. Paraffin Wax- used to create candle. It is a class of chemical compounds that are plastic. Scissor- used to cute wick Stove- used to melt the wax Double broiler- used also in melting the wax Lighter- used to light the stove Cooking gloves/potholder- used to hold hot pan Mold- used to shape the candle. Oregano oil- the main ingredient Sticks- used to hold the wick in the mold Mixing spoon- used to mix the wax and the oil Measuring cup, used to measure the amount of oregano oil B. General Procedure Prepare the mold for the candle. Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. T the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of oregano oil and the melted wax easily and carefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. Thats how to make the prod uct. C. Testing In conducting this SIP, the researcher will test the length of time of the candle. The researcher tests it because he wants to know how long the candle will protect its users against mosquito. Chapter VII Result and Discussion In this chapter the researcher will discuss the result of the data, and below the t-test: for pared two samples for means. T-Test: Pared for Two Sample for Means Based on the computed value of T is greater than the tabular value of T. Therefore, its hypothesis is accepted that there is no significant difference between the commercial candle and Anti-Mosquito Candle in terms of length of time. Chapter VIII Conclusion After the research study the researcher strongly concluded that the mixture of wax and oregano oil is effective as an insect repellent. The oregano has a impound chemical called Carroll which is effective in killing mosquitoes. It is further found out that during brown outs, it has serves a double purpose Of lighting the household and at the same time killing mosquito. Chapter IX Recommendation In this chapter the researcher recommends to add more oregano oil about mall to be more effective against mosquito. It will improve the ability to reduce the dengue cases in the Philippines and other countries. In order to be more effective add more oil, because mosquito hates the chemical compound cavalry found in oregano oil and also may found in immemorial insect repellents.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Financial And Accounting Challenges Faced By Businesses From Emerging Research Proposal
Financial And Accounting Challenges Faced By Businesses From Emerging Markets In Meeting International Accounting Standards. Companies In Azerbaijan - Research Proposal Example Countries like South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand etc were among the first to adopt IFRS. The countries of The European Union (EU) are now required to follow IFRS. Emerging economies like China, Azerbaijan etc. adopted IFRS. China had given January 2007 as deadline for implementing IFRS. Gradually all the countries in the world will adopt the financial reporting standard. USA and Canada are also getting prepared for the adoption (Barry and Jermakowicz, 2010, pp.1-2). Many businesses which are not required to adopt IFRS and are not publicly held are still implementing IFRS in their accounting. This is because a common standard of accounting followed all over the world will facilitate free flow of capital. If an investor of UAS, for example, wants to invest in a company in China he will need to examine the financial statement of the company. If the company prepares its financial statement using same methods as that is followed in the investorââ¬â¢s country it will be easier fo r the investor to understand the financial position of the company. Therefore using an international standard like IFRS for preparing financial statements will win investors confidence (Barry and Jermakowicz, 2010, pp. 2). However adoption of IFRS is not totally hassle free. Companies going through the transition from old methods to IFRS specified methods face many challenges. It will be seen later in this work that there are many challenges which an entity face in adopting a new standard of accounting and financial report preparation. Emerging economies like China nd Azerbaijan have also implemented IFRS partially of wholly. But companies of these countries have faced or still facing problems caused by the transition from old system to the new system. The government of Azerbaijan had given a deadline of January 2008 to its Public Interest Entities for implementing IFRS in their accounting. The small enterprises of the country required to implement National Accounting Standard, whic h is formulated based on the principles of IFRS, before January 2006 (Republic of Azerbaijan Accounting Law, 2004 Article 8,9,10 and 17). Therefore, to find out the challenges faced by businesses in emerging economies, studies on companies in Azerbaijan will be helpful. There are many companies in Azerbaijan which already have converted to new system, but there are still some companies which are yet to implement the new standard. This makes the country an interesting place for this study. Preliminary Review of the Literature: In the conversion process from old accounting system to the new accounting system in Azerbaijan, different parties related to accounting, auditing and reporting face some problems. A report prepared by Yev (2009) has discussed these problems in details. The cost involved in adopting IFRS or IAS or the NAS in accounting is considerable one. Companies must bear the cost of training of their accounting personnel. The introduction of the IFRS in the accounting syst em could result in change in the financial position of the company. The financial position of a company determined by following the previous accounting system and the financial position determined by the new accounting system might differ as a result of change in procedures, roles and obligations. This will result in volatility and difficulties in decision making. The complex nature of IFRS standard could be a problem too. Another problem that accounting personnel face is: the new standard demand change in thinking. The new reporting is not just about bookkeeping and reporting; it involves thinking and judgments of the accountants. Companies have to do a separate accounting for tax accounting because IFRS or IAS and tax rule follow
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Soy Whipped Topping Business Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Soy Whipped Topping Business Plan - Assignment Example Soy foods and products include several whipped toppings that are basically made from rice, soy and even coconut. Both rice and soy whips in the market are either in spray cans or boxes. These products normally have a lifespan of a year and are supposed to be refrigerated. The soy whipped topping are good when used with cakes, fruits, desserts, pies, cappuccinos and even beverages such as chocolate tea. The most popular soy whipped toppings currently in the market belong to two brands; Soyatoo and Viana. Soyatoo soy whip brands include: blue-rice whip, brown-cocoa whip and the red-soy whip which are normally in boxes or spray cans of three hundred milliliters (ML). Despite the different colors the three products are made from similar inputs. Over the recent past, different individuals in United States and Europe have continued to develop interest in soy foods and products. This has further increased the demand of these products in the American market. This industry is basically made of various key players. Some of these players in this industry are developing while others have quite established their brands in different markets of the world. This is the reason why some consumers in America have in the past raised concerns regarding some existing soy whip products in the market and more specifically on issues of lactose presence as well as the functioning of the whip spray cans. As true entrepreneurs, we considered this as a good opportunity that required intervention and we decided to start a business of making soy whipped toppings and target lactose intolerant people in the market amongst other. Our soy whipped topping products will be in line with the respective customerââ¬â¢s needs and also of substantially high q uality. When starting a business, it is normally important for one to start by deciding on the particular form of business to operate since each form of business develops a different legal operating structure different from the others. In
Monday, November 18, 2019
Orange plc Financial Statement Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Orange plc Financial Statement - Coursework Example The companyââ¬â¢s return on equity ratio was 25% in 2014 and 8.74% in 2015. The return on equity ratio measures the companyââ¬â¢s performance in earning return to its shareholders. Despite the company having a low ratio in 2015, it had significant high performance in 2014 by having a fair return to its shareholders. The return on assets was 3.21% in 2015 and 10.48% in 2014. The return on assets ratio measures the companyââ¬â¢s performance in generating sufficient profits from its total assets. The company had a low ratio in 2015 desspite the high ratio it had in 2014. This showed a tremendous decline in the companyââ¬â¢s performance. The maintenance of a 100% mark up between the two years was a desirable aspect of the company performance. There was a decline in the return on capital employed between the two years using the the two different methods of computing. This trend is undesirable and should be changed since it shows a decline in the companyââ¬â¢s performance. The companyââ¬â¢s current ratio was 2.05 in both 2014 and 2015. This ratio measures the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity by determining the extent in which the companyââ¬â¢s current assets can offset its current liabilities. The company maintains a current ratio that is above in both the two financial years implying that the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity position is at a fair place since it can easily offset its current obligations with its current assets. The maintenance of this ratio is thus a positive indicator of the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity position. The companyââ¬â¢s quick ratio was 1.27% in 2014 and 1.31% in 2015. The quick ratio measures the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity in a similar way like how the current ratio does but it does excludes the inventory from the current assets. There is exclusion of inventory from the current assets since it is not easily converted into cash like the other current assets. This means basing the companyââ¬â¢s liquidity on inventory is
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Background Of IHRM In China
Background Of IHRM In China In the 21st century, HR managers have to meet new challenges. The economy and markets are varied from those of a decade ago. As patterns have modified, the characteristics influencing International Human Resource Management (IHRM) are also changed due to the unfavorable effects of the rising internationalization of all industries particularly to the ones that functions worldwide (Briscoe and Schuler, 2009). Such organizations must build up effective structures and operates in order to keep up to pace with significance, modern trends and policies. The capability of a business to stay in substantial era of time in the industry where it belongs is one measure of its accomplishment. With the recent globalization, every business must operate more successfully in order to sustain with the higher needs of customers and to go with the current of the dynamics of global business competition (Brewster. and Vernon, 2007). Actually, the internationalization of businesses resulted in the developin g application of expatriates to manage growing numbers of global operations. Therefore, a complete acknowledgement of organizational labor force and progress of organizational systems and procedures that will allow people to add value within a larger organizational unit is required. (Brewster. and Vernon, 2007) 1.1 Aim/Purpose of the Paper The purpose of this paper is to discuss the approaches and challenges of International Human Resource Management (IHRM) in the international environment (China) while operating in diverse cultures by identifying the current issues in IHRM to set the future directions. 1.2 Background of IHRM in China With the passage of time there is an increase in the complexity of workforce management in China. There are many factors associated with the growth of human resource management profession and one of the main factors of the attitude of the workforce and the people towards work, changes in the laws that deal with employment-related issues and various sociological trends (Kidd, 2006). The human resources in the Chinese organizations now recognize the importance of the relationship that exists between strategy, technology, people and the main processes that are able to make the organizations more successful. Although there are many organizations in china that have realized the importance but still the progress in the field of HR has been rather slow. (Kidd, 2006) In the older times it has been seen that most important principles of the human resources were used. Human resources have been used in the older times when the tribal leaders were to be selected. The selection process included the recording of the related knowledge and passing this knowledge on to the other tribal people as the knowledge was composed on the information about the safety, hunting, health, and gathering. Advancements in the human resources were seen between 1000 B.C to 2000 B.C. Chinese are the pioneers in using employee screening techniques that started in 1115 B.C. (Kidd, 2006) Since the field of HRM started in china many names have been given to the field. Some of the important names that have been given to the HRM field include personnel relations, industrial relations, employee relations and human resources. Human resources among all other names have been considered as the most suitable name (Richter, 2006). I strongly believe that human resources are the most apt name for it. This is the word that shows that for an organization, human capital is the most important. (Evans and Pucik, 2002) In 1979, Open Door Policy was adopted by China and this is the policy that has been seen as a potential growth forum for the industries in china. There has been a great opening of the markets that has brought in many opportunities for the Chinese but with this many issues and for the foreign enterprises. China has been known for its unique political, economic and cultural environment that makes it hard for the foreign organizations having businesses in China to manage their employees in China. Thereby there are many cross cultural implications for the international business in china as there are issues to be faced in designing and implementing the management training programs. With this the researchers have argued that there is a need of more studies and research on the development of management principles in China. Most of the research has been conducted on the human resources and the practices that have been followed and a very limited concentration has been focused on management d evelopment. (Budhwar, 2004) There has been an increase in the foreign investment in china in the last twenty years. Since the year 1978 there has been a 9% increase in the Chinese economic growth (Budhwar, 2004). In 1996, the economists have reported that the growth in GDP was 9.7%. In the first fiscal months of 1996, the foreign investments were on an average US$7.74 billion. In the year of 1995, china stood second among the countries that attracted foreign investments while the first position was held by USA, having a 42% share of investments made in Asian countries. (Budhwar, 2004) China is seen to be modernizing as there is a large scale reformation in the industrial enterprises so that the problems that are being faced by the industries are solved (Smith, 2005). The changes that have been incorporated in the industries include an increased entrepreneurial autonomy, an increase in the private and rural enterprises, increase in foreign direct investment, an increase in the volumes exported to the developed world, an increase in globalization that has caused an increase in the competition that has led to an increase in business with international market. (William, 2007) Major changes have been seen in china after the increase in joint ventures as these are the ventures that have asked for increased improvement and better performance. But there has been a resistance in changing the ongoing business scenario thus there has been avoidance in the manager level responsibility (Dowling, 2009). There has been an increase in the pressure created by international managers that makes Chinese managers adopt a defensive stance. Thereby there is a need to acknowledge the Chinese system of industrial governance as this is the system that can help in the explanation of the behaviors of the managers that has been shaped by a long gone dependency culture. Here an important example is that of china where a small defensive mode adopted to avoid a single responsibility is defined as collective irresponsibility. This is regarded as a form of a defensive mechanism that is up taken by the managers (Smith, 2005). If there are increased pressures from the international mana gers in case of joint ventures than there are further changes in the local management. In this case it has been realized that important roles are played by providing the managers benefits that include employment and job security and social benefits that are inclusive of health care and housing. (Richter, 2006) In addition to this it has been seen that there has been an existence of the pre-industrial behavior that reflect deference towards hierarchy. These are the kinds of behaviors and attitudes that support a general acceptance towards authoritarian state socialism. This is the situation that can be compared with the communists who have been successful in preserving their cultural values as these values have been seen to be reliable while giving up on the values that have been threatening and harmful. Thereby from here it can be seen that the system is overly dominated on the industrialization and it has caused a great change in the economies, and resources. (William, 2007) There has been a shortage of managerial competence in China and one of the main causes is the systematic industrialization in china. From here it can be deduced that in the changing world of competing markets and increased competition there is a need that the managers in china have more skills in the competitive environment (Dowling, 2009). On the other hand it has been seen that the countries that suffers from the shortage of skilled managers can lag behind in development of better management that is also because of the reason that there are barriers to train managers for better skills. 2.0 Key Human Resource (HR) Practices in China The dramatic reforms in the Chinese economy have immensely influenced the role of the manager in Chinese community. The managers function is altering from a focus mostly on people-problems towards the need for knowledge of the market, financial management and thinking tactically to support competition and cope with joint ventures (Dowling, 2009). As a result, such reforms have generated questions about Chinese managers aptitudes to cope with competition, insecurity, volatility and increased independence. The localization of the administration group in the overseas-invested businesses, due to the cost reasons, puts strong needs on the universal management progress of local managers and experts. (Brewster. and Vernon, 2007) Management in contemporary China is argued to be described as an exact science with an evident and definable understanding base, with a collection of quantitative and operational techniques with general applicability connected to specialized functional expertise (Hutchings, 2006). This is maintained by the proof of a knowledge-based program for trainee managers where an excellent deal of stress is placed on the conventional numbers-oriented (difficult) subjects and far less time is spent on individuals-oriented (easy) subjects. Behind this approach are three problems- professional context, custom and ideology all uniting to dictate this particularly Chinese understanding of the hypothesis and practice of management? Management growth within the conventional educational system is defined as: supporting the more didactic, educator-centered teaching techniques; a focus on hypothesis rather than on experience with little contact with the broader industrial society; and a lack of well ed ucated and well trained management trainers. (Hutchings, 2006) Chinas successful progress as a key economic supremacy can only be obtained with the help of highly qualified, professionally trained administration (Dowling, 2009). In China the management training process is not only associated with economic basis and progress, but also to political and ideological beliefs. Since management progress is supposed as a significant means of improving managerial ability and improving competitive benefit, international firms engaged in joint ventures need to be aware of the cross-cultural implications in the design and implementation of management training courses for Chinese managers and its incorporation into the strategic HR system. (Dowling, 2009) 2.1 Recruitment and Selection It is a critical stage when the firms in China proceed to hire employees to fill the vacancies it has recognized. At the employment stage the firm attracts people to apply for its jobs; at the hiring stage it selects the best individual for the job or jobs from among the people it has fascinated. Employment and selection, thus, refers to the group of methods used to hire and select employees to execute the jobs recognized within the firm. (Cooke, 2007) 2.1.1 Cultural Issues At the time of enrollment and selection procedure in China, firm culture is the most significant and the most complicated part of such organization analysis since various candidates have different insight to same organization culture and moreover, various people communicate with the setting in which they work in a different manner. On the other hand, a thorough organization analysis could be done to emphasize the selection standard. (Warner, 2003) 2.1.2 Cost Benefit Analysis Chinese firms also make cost and advantage analysis at the time of selection and enrollment. The procedure of selection can be expensive, and some recruitment methods could be even more costly, such that some firms could only employ them for a few major vacancies. When a firm chooses its recruitment methods, it would try to assess whether the struggles will be worthwhile. To determine on the most cost-effective techniques, both the costs and the advantages related with the recruitment techniques should be considered. (Cooke, 2007) 2.1.3 Personality Test Personality test has also been adopted in China in selection procedure. They observe aspects of personality that have been demonstrated through research to associate with performance at workplace. Most personality assessments are self-report, where candidates are asked to note how they see themselves on a number of characteristics or behavior. Some items may be unlimited questions asking about preferred actions, and some items may be a selection from a range of statements, asking individual to select which statement most resembles them or is most contrasting them. (Wright, 2004) 2.2 Training and Development Although personnel develop their expertise through every day work, as we have just noted, firms often give additional proper learning chances. These may be off-the-job training programs, or they may contain work based development courses. We can also contain post-graduate qualifications such as the one you are studying for now. Personnel development is an identification that employees may need to develop modern skills or get new information, both for their own growth and to fulfill the firms requirements. (William, 2007) 2.2.1 Cultural Issues When multinationals turn into or with other nations there may be a supposition that because everybody within the firm is working for the same objectives and to the same standards, they will automatically interact, think and view the world in the similar way. When various cultures start working together, issues or complexities occur that several people within these firms are not expert or adept enough to cope with efficiently. This can merely be because they have never had to cope with the problem before. (Wright, 2004) 2.2.2 Language Barriers Language is the most significant thing when Chinese firms offer training to their staff. In China language is often the least complicated hurdle to breach. When we recognize there may be language variations, we have a greater understanding of the potential for issues. On the other hand, much more often its a totally different way of seeing things and an incapability, or reluctance, to see what the other individual is seeing that causes the complexities. (William, 2007) 2.2.3 Misunderstanding the Norms The most major problem in China we can say that misinterpretation the norm because the other individual understands our language (or we understand theirs) that we speak the same language. Often we dont. Even when our Native language is the same, we dont speak it the same way. When we work with other cultures, its easy to be affected by general stereotypes, misunderstandings and biases about our new colleagues. Without understanding it, we carry those understandings and stereotypes into meetings, conferences, training or even social get-together that can make interaction hard and difficult work. (Smith, 2005) 2.3 Performance Management and Appraisal Once the best candidate has been selected and has begun work, firms often wished to observe their work and help them to grow. In the first example, monitoring and growth happens through the normal procedures of daily work, where employees develop themselves with the help of their supervisors (Wright, 2004). On the other hand, some firms have recently begun to take a systematic advancement to the management of individual conduct, seeing it in the perspective of the overall policy of the firm: this is what has come to be called performance management. Several firms have also established it wanted to institute a formal annual review of performance, executed jointly by the worker and his or her supervisor: this is what is called performance evaluation? (Wright, 2004) 2.3.1 Cultural Dimensions In the China more and more shrinking business world, the firm has arrived with a bang. With it have come cultural problems of race, ethnicity, unlike educational background, language problems, etc. The firms in China are striving for proper alignment of cultural variations between workers of towards increasing organizational effectiveness and output. Such firms are evolving performance assessment methods appropriate for measuring and assessing worker performance along cultural dimensions. (Selmer, 2001) 2.3.2 Power Issues in Appraisal In appraising the workers in China power is major threat to companies while appraising the workers. In high power gap cultures, authority is focused at the top of a vertical organizational structure (Jackson, 2005). There are comparatively more supervisory employees, and the resulting variations in power are an accepted disparity between higher-level and lower-level people. Managers depend on formalized roles in which authority is vested and employees expect to be explained what to do without discussion. Close management and authoritative leadership are estimated to lead to job fulfillment, higher performance, and raised output. (Jackson, 2005) 2.3.3 Uncertainty Avoidance Improbability avoidance is the level to which participants of a firm in China fear the unexpected at the time of appraisal. Cultures with a low level of Improbability avoidance do not feel pressure while appraising and endangered when faced with reform and vagueness. Low uncertainty avoidance cultures have a comparatively short average time of job with each organization and feel little loyalty to the company. Although self employment is rare, they choose to work for smaller firms. (Selmer, 2001) 2.4 Compensation Management Deciding how much and in what way employees should be paid is a key part of HR management. Pay assessments are based not only on workers performance, but contain data from more universal performance management and assessment processes, such as an analysis of the movement of payment rates in the external marketplace. (Jackson, 2005) 2.4.1 Cultural Dimensions In Chinese culture, worker name pay-for-performance as the most essential tool in getting the greatest financial consequences at their firms. But, adopting real, pay-for-performance is simpler said than done. In Chinese culture workforces who outperform their colleagues will be rewarded properly, feel valued and content and more likely to stay with your firm. (Selmer, 2001) 2.4.2 Evolution of Compensation Nowadays in China compensation techniques have come from a long way. With the altering organizational structures employees need and compensation techniques have also been altering. From the bureaucratic firms to the participative firms, workers have begun asking for their rights and proper compensations. The higher education standards and higher expertise needed for the employment have made the firms provide competitive compensations to their workers. (Siam, 2007) 2.4.3 Modern Compensation Systems Nowadays the compensation systems are intended aligned to the business objectives and policies. The workers are required to work and take their own decisions. Administration is being delegated. Workers feel secured and valued in the company. Firms offer financial and non-monetary advantages to attract and retain the best talents in the competitive atmosphere. Some of the advantages are special allowances like mobile, firms vehicle; House rent allowances; statutory leaves, etc. (Shen, 2007) 2.5 Labor Relations To make sure productive worker relations, human resources management practitioners must cope with the administration of the relation between the employer and the employees as a whole. In several states and employers a trade union or unions represent employees (Siam, 2007). On the other hand, we will discuss that employment relations are a concern of the human resources manager even if his or her firm is not unionized: she or he must still determine, among other things, how the firm is going to interact with its employees, and the extent to which workers should involve in the management of the firm. 2.5.1 Cultural Dimensions Cultural issues do not describe or affect the way labor relations are executed in Chinas workplace, as several consider they do. The effect of the international market has considerably changed the way labor relations are really followed in China, which is called an international market paradigm. However, Collectivism and Confucianism carry on to affect labor relations in China and the ideological and cultural leftovers still to be found could influence Chinas relations with other countries for years to come. (Siam, 2007) 2.5.2 Employment Policies and Manuals Every firm in China keeps employment strategies and worker manual for workers of any stage. These strategies manuals helps the workers and firms in keeping good relationship by resolving disagreement through the proper processes previously discussed before job. (Siam, 2007) 2.5.3 Unemployment Benefits Many Chinese firms keep proper scheduling about personnel performance to curtail unemployment taxes and evaluation and in defending claims for advantages in managerial proceedings and court petitions. (Shen, 2007) 3.0 IHRM Environmental Factors in China Much of the development in the human resources function over the last thirty years may be typified to its vital role in keeping the firm out of dilemma with the law in China. Most companies are intensely concerned with possible liability resulting from staff decisions that may breach laws endorsed by the state legislatures, and/or local administrations. These laws are persistently understood in thousands of cases brought before regime agencies, federal courts, state courts, and the Supreme Court. (Smith, 2005) 3.1 Government Actions In China the HR management of company relies to a large extent on its capability to deal successfully with administration actions. Operating within the legal structure devise by Government needs keeping track of the external official environment and developing internal procedures (for instance, management training and grievance processes) to make sure compliance and reduce complaints. Several firms are now developing formal strategies on sexual harassment and setting up internal administrative channels to cope with alleged events before workers feel the need to file a case. (Shen, 2007) 3.2 Regional Economic and Political Activity Regional monetary and political activity often has a varied effect on public- and private sector companies. Still, politicians and economy in China typically exert much more control over organizational confronts than over environmental confronts in recruiting staff, determining pay, providing promotions, etc (Shen, 2007). Nevertheless successful managers spot organizational problems and cope with them before they become major issues. Only supervisors who are well educated about significant HR problems and organizational confronts can do this. These challenges encompass the requirement for a competitive position and flexibility, the issues of downscaling and organizational reform, the use of self-managed work groups, the growth of small businesses, the need to develop a strong organizational culture, the part of technology, and the development of outsourcing. (Shen, 2007) 3.3 Cultural Diversity The future achievement of any firms depends on the tendency to manage a diverse body of aptitude that can bring new ideas, views and prospective to their work. The challenge and issues encountered of workplace diversity can be turned into a tactical organizational asset if a firm is capable to capitalize on this melting pot of different talents (Selmer, 2001). With the merge of talents in China of different cultural backgrounds, genders, ages and way of life, a firm respond to business possibilities more quickly and creatively, particularly in the international arena, which must be one of the significant organizational objectives to be achieved. More significantly, if the organizational atmosphere does not support diversity generally, one risks losing talent to rivals. (Selmer, 2001) 4.0 IHRM and China Recently the firms in China are encountering the cultural diversity. The challenge of workplace diversity is also common amongst Singapores Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). With a population of only 4 million individuals and the nations struggle towards high technology and knowledge-based economy; overseas talents are attracted to share their skills in these fields (Cooper and De Cieri, 2007). Therefore, many local human resources managers have to experience cultural-based HR Management training to enhance their capabilities to inspire a group of expert that are highly educated but culturally diverse. Moreover, the human resources professional must assure the local experts that these overseas talents are not a danger to their career development. In several ways, the efficacy of workplace diversity management is reliant on the skilful balancing act of the human resources manager. (Cooper and De Cieri, 2007) One of the major causes for unproductive workplace diversity management is the tendency to pigeonhole workers, placing them in a various silo based on their diversity profile (Hutchings, 2006). In the actual world, diversity cannot be simply classified and those firms that react to human difficulty by leveraging the talents of a wider workforce will be the most useful in flourishing their businesses and their client base. 5.0 IHRM and China As the real diversity is the major problem in China, so in order to successfully manage workplace diversity, Human Resources Manager needs to reform from an ethnocentric view our way is the best way to an ethnically relative view lets take the best of a variety of ways (Warner, 2003). This change in philosophy has to be inbuilt in the managerial structure of the Human Resources Manager in his/her planning, organizing, directing and managing of organizational resources. (Warner, 2003) Most firms in China have determined to begin mentoring program in the future. Because this is the best method to manage workplace diversity problems through initiating a diversity mentoring program. This could entail engaging different departmental supervisors in a mentoring program to coach and provide feedback to workers who are different from them. In order for the program to run effectively, it is wise to give practical training for these supervisors or seek help from advisors and professionals in this field. (Warner, 2003) 6.0 Conclusion The conventional functions of Human Resources Management now need to be tactically directed towards flourishing and sustaining organizational abilities, through activities that overlap with conventional business operations such as finance, marketing, and non-conventional operations, such as knowledge management. HR Information System has great importance in every field. It can execute an essential role and help the interactions procedure in the organization. Most significantly, firms can appoint and retain the leading performers, enhance output and improve job satisfaction of the workers. Human Resources Manager has the liability to amplify competence and profit, but in the current scenario, the role of Human Resources manager is altering quickly due to changes in regime policies, unions, labor legislations and technological advancement. The trends have occurred in the firm, HR planning, job design, enthusiasm, and employment and skill development and worker relations. The challenges can be encountered by Human Resources Manager effectively, if appropriate strategies are adopted. Therefore, the role of Human Resources Manager will be more vital in future due to the emerging scenario.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Trapped by the Views of Others Essay -- Comparative, Howells, Gilman,
In the stories of Editha, The Story of An Hour and The Yellow Wallpaper the realism technique of writing is demonstrated by the omission of fixed, idealistic endings of stories that arenââ¬â¢t realistic. The authors incorporate their charactersââ¬â¢ lack of freedom and tragic endings in these stories, which in turn leads readers to experience a realistic conclusion as opposed to an idealistic one. Editha written by William Dean Howells, is a short story of a young womanââ¬â¢s naà ¯ve views about war and heroic love. Editha foolishly wants her fiancà ©e George, to prove his love for her and believes that going to war would be ââ¬Å"the completion of her ideal of himâ⬠(p 372). She views love as an act that must be established by a heroic deed as the author states, ââ¬Å"if he could do something worthy to have won herââ¬âbe a hero, her heroââ¬âit would be even better than if he had done it before asking her; it would be granderâ⬠(p 372). Georgeââ¬â¢s view on war is much different than Edithaââ¬â¢s; he knows that war causes much pain and suffering as his own father lost his arm in the Civil War. When Editha cleverly persuades George to enlist, he loses his freedom as he states, ââ¬Å"I know you always have the highest idea. When I differ from you, I ought to doubt myselfâ⬠(p 373). At this point George has given up his liberty to follow his own beliefs, he further states, ââ¬Å"There is a sort of fascination in it. I suppose that at the bottom of his heart every man would like at times to have his courage tested; to see how he would actâ⬠(p 373). As the story unfolds, George goes off to war only to meet his untimely death during his first skirmish. The ending of this tale is one of realism as opposed to an idealistic one. The ideal ending would have been one in which Georg... ...peration as she finds comfort in the yellow wallpaper. The story ends with the narrator completely going crazy. Her husband unlocks the bedroom door only to find her creeping around in a room full of ripped yellow wallpaper and he faints. The ending of this tale is also one of realism as opposed to an idealistic one. The ideal ending would have been if John would have been wise enough to seek help for his wife as opposed to ignoring her condition due to the fact that he could not acknowledge his inability to help her. In conclusion these stories exhibit three charactersââ¬â¢ lack freedom compelled by human nature that one has the right to impose their ideals on others. The tragic endings of these stories demonstrate realistic endings of that time frame. One can only assume that the endings of these stories would be more idealistic in these contemporary times.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Succubus Revealed Chapter 3
The crisp paper with its laser printing was a lot different from scrawling script on vellum, but I knew an official transfer letter when I saw one. I'd received dozens in the last millennia, in various forms, pointing me on to new assignments and locations. The last one had come to me while I was in London fifteen years ago. From there, I'd moved here to Seattle. And now this one was telling me it was time to move on yet again. To leave Seattle. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I breathed, far too soft for Seth to hear. ââ¬Å"No.â⬠I knew this letter was legitimate. It wasn't a forgery. It wasn't a joke sent on Hell's stationery. What I was praying for was that this official transfer order had just been sent to me in error. The letter had no information about my next assignment because, per protocol, employees were usually briefed by their archdemons before a transfer. The letter then came afterward, to make the termination of the old job and start of the new one official. I'd seen my archdemon less than twelve hours ago. Surely, surely, if this was real, Jerome could have brought himself to at least mention it. The transfer of a succubus would be a big deal for him. He'd have to juggle both the fallout of losing me and gaining someone else. But, no. Jerome hadn't behaved as though he had a major personnel change coming. He'd said nothing to even hint about it. One would think this would have trumped his bowling league just a little. I realized I was holding my breath and forced myself to start breathing again. A mistake. Whoever had sent this had clearly made a mistake. Lifting my eyes from the paper, I focused on Seth's sleeping form. He was sprawled in his usual way, with his limbs all over the bed. Light and shadow played across his face, and I felt tears spring to my eyes as I studied those beloved features. Leaving Seattle. Leaving Seth. No, no, no. I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't cry because there was nothing to cry about. This was a mistake. It had to be because there was no way the universe could be this cruel to me. I had already gone through too much. I was happy now. Seth and I had fought our battles to be together. We'd finally achieved our dream. That couldn't be taken away from me, not now. Can't it? A nasty voice in my head pointed out the obvious. You sold your soul. You're damned. Why should the universe owe you anything? You don't deserve happiness. You should have this taken away from you. Jerome. I had to talk to Jerome. He would sort this out. I folded the letter four times and stuffed it into my purse. Grabbing my cell phone, I headed for the door and shape-shifted on a robe. I managed to slip out of the room without a sound, but my victory was short-lived. I'd hoped to be able to sneak outside, past Ian in the living room, and call Jerome in privacy. Unfortunately, I never made it that far. Both Ian and Margaret were up and awake, forcing me to stop middial. Margaret stood in the kitchen cooking something on the stove while he sat at the kitchen table. ââ¬Å"Mom,â⬠he was saying, ââ¬Å"it doesn't matter what the water-to-coffee ratio is. You can't make an Americano out of drip. Especially with that Starbucks crap Seth buys.â⬠ââ¬Å"Actually,â⬠I said, slipping the phone regretfully into my robe's pocket, ââ¬Å"I bought that coffee. It's not that bad. It's a Seattle institution, you know.â⬠Ian didn't look as though he'd hit the shower yet, but at least he was dressed. He regarded me critically. ââ¬Å"Starbucks? They might have been okay before they became mainstream, but now they're just another corporate monstrosity that all the sheep flock to.â⬠He swirled his coffee mug around. ââ¬Å"Back in Chicago, I go to this really great hole-in-the-wall cafe that's run by this guy who used to be a bass player in an indie rock band you've probably never heard off. The espresso he serves is so authentic, it's mind-blowing. Of course, most people have no clue because it's not the kind of place mainstream people tend to frequent.â⬠ââ¬Å"So,â⬠I said, suspecting one could make a drinking game out of how many times Ian used ââ¬Å"mainstreamâ⬠in a conversation, ââ¬Å"I guess that means there's plenty of Starbucks here for me.â⬠Margaret nodded briefly toward Seth's coffeemaker. ââ¬Å"Have a cup with us.â⬠She turned around and continued cooking. The phone was burning in my pocket. I wanted to sprint toward the door and had to force myself to behave normally in front of Seth's family. I poured myself a cup of delicious corporate coffee and tried not to act like they were keeping me from a phone call that could change the rest of my life. Soon, I told myself. I'd have answers soon. Jerome probably wasn't even up. I could delay here briefly for the sake of politeness and then get my answers. ââ¬Å"You're up early,â⬠I said, taking my coffee over to a corner that gave me a good view of both Mortensens. And the door. ââ¬Å"Hardly,â⬠said Margaret. ââ¬Å"It's nearly eight. Ten, where we come from.â⬠ââ¬Å"I suppose so,â⬠I murmured, sipping from my mug. Since signing up for Team North Pole, I hardly ever saw this side of noon anymore. Children didn't usually hit Santa up for Christmas requests so early, not even the ones at the mall I worked at. ââ¬Å"Are you a writer too?â⬠asked Margaret, flipping over something with a flourish. ââ¬Å"Is that why you pull such crazy hours?â⬠ââ¬Å"Er, no. But I do usually work later in the day. I work, um, retail, so I'm on mall hours.â⬠ââ¬Å"The mall,â⬠scoffed Ian. Margaret turned from the stove and glared at her son. ââ¬Å"Don't act like you never go there. Half your wardrobe's from Fox Valley.â⬠Ian actually turned pink. ââ¬Å"That's not true!â⬠ââ¬Å"Didn't you get your coat at Abernathy & Finch?â⬠she prodded. ââ¬Å"It's Abercrombie & Fitch! And, no, of course I didn't.â⬠Margaret's expression spoke legions. She took down two plates from the cupboard and stacked them high with pancakes. She delivered one to Ian and the other to me. I started to hand it back. ââ¬Å"Wait. Is this your breakfast? I can't eat this.â⬠She fixed with me with a steely gaze and then looked me up and down. It gave me a good view of the quilted teddy bears on her sweatshirt. ââ¬Å"Oh? Are you one of those girls who doesn't eat real food? Is your usual breakfast coffee and grapefruit?â⬠She gave a calculated pause. ââ¬Å"Or do you not trust my cooking?â⬠ââ¬Å"What? No!â⬠I hastily put my plate on the table and took a chair across from Ian. ââ¬Å"This looks great.â⬠ââ¬Å"Usually I'm vegan,â⬠said Ian, pouring syrup on the pancakes. ââ¬Å"But I make exceptions for Mom.â⬠I really, really should have let it go but couldn't help saying, ââ¬Å"I didn't think ââ¬Ëusually' and ââ¬Ëvegan' go together. You either are or you aren't. If you're making exceptions some of the time, then I don't think you get the title. I mean, sometimes I put cream in my coffee and sometimes I don't. I don't call myself vegan on black days.â⬠He sighed in disgust. ââ¬Å"I'm vegan ironically.â⬠I returned to my pancakes. Margaret was back to cooking again, presumably her own breakfast now, but still continued the conversation. ââ¬Å"How long have you and Seth been seeing each other?â⬠ââ¬Å"Well . . .â⬠I used chewing as an excuse to formulate my thoughts. ââ¬Å"That's kind of hard to answer. We've, um, dated off and on for the last year.â⬠Ian frowned. ââ¬Å"Wasn't Seth engaged for part of the last year?â⬠I was on the verge of saying, ââ¬Å"He was engaged ironically,â⬠when Seth himself emerged from the bedroom. I was grateful for the distraction from explaining our relationship but not pleased to see Seth up. ââ¬Å"Hey!â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Go back to bed. You need more sleep.â⬠ââ¬Å"Good morning to you too,â⬠he said. He brushed a kiss against his mother's cheek and the joined us at the table. ââ¬Å"I mean it,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"This is your chance to sleep in.â⬠ââ¬Å"I got all the sleep I need,â⬠he countered, stifling a yawn. ââ¬Å"Besides, I promised to make cupcakes for the twins. Their class is having a holiday party today.â⬠â⬠ââ¬ËHoliday,' â⬠muttered Margaret. ââ¬Å"Whatever happened to Christmas?â⬠ââ¬Å"I can help you,â⬠I told Seth. ââ¬Å"Well . . . that is, after I take care of a couple of things.â⬠ââ¬Å"I can make them.â⬠Margaret was already going through the cupboards, seeking ingredients. ââ¬Å"I've been making cupcakes before any of you were born.â⬠Seth and I exchanged glances at that. ââ¬Å"Actually,â⬠he said, ââ¬Å"I can make them on my own. What would help the most, Mom, is if you could go to Kayla's school today. She's got a half day, and Andrea will need babysitting.â⬠He nodded at me. ââ¬Å"You work tonight, right? Come help me with the twins. I know they can use more volunteers. Elf costume optional. And you . . .â⬠He turned to Ian and trailed off, at a loss for how Ian could actually be helpful. Ian straightened up importantly. ââ¬Å"I'll go find an organic bakery and pick up some stuff for the kids who want to eat baked goods that are made with free-range ingredients and don't contain animal products.â⬠ââ¬Å"What, like free-range flour?â⬠I asked incredulously. ââ¬Å"Ian, they're seven,â⬠said Seth. ââ¬Å"What's your point?â⬠asked Ian. ââ¬Å"This is my way of helping out.â⬠Seth sighed. ââ¬Å"Fine. Go for it.â⬠ââ¬Å"Cool,â⬠said Ian. He paused eloquently. ââ¬Å"Can I borrow some money?â⬠Margaret soon insisted that Seth have breakfast before attempting anything else, and I took advantage of his becoming the center of attention. I quickly put on casual clothes and made a polite exit, thanking her for breakfast and telling him that I would meet up with him at the twins' school for cupcake distribution. As soon as I'd cleared the condo, I began dialing the phone again. Unsurprisingly, I got Jerome's voice mail. I left him a message and made no attempt to hide my urgency . . . or irritation. That kind of attitude wasn't going to endear me to him, but I was too pissed off to care. This transfer was a big deal. If there was any chance of its legitimacy, he really should have given me a greater heads-up. Back at my place, my cats Aubrey and Godiva were happy to see me. Actually, I think they were just happy to see anyone who could feed them. They were lying in front of Roman's closed bedroom door when I walked in and immediately jumped up. They pranced over to me, snaking around my ankles and bombarding me with piteous meows until I refilled their food dishes. After that, I was old news. I toyed with the idea of waking up Roman. I really, really wanted to talk out this transfer news with someone, and Seth hadn't been an option this morning. Roman, unfortunately, shared his father's ââ¬Å"fondnessâ⬠for mornings, and I wasn't entirely sure I'd have the most productive conversation if I woke him against his will. So, instead, I took my time showering and getting ready for the day, hoping that Roman would get up on his own. No such luck. When ten rolled around, I left another voice mail message for Jerome and finally gave up on Roman. A new idea had hit me, and I went to go check it out first, setting the mental condition that if Roman wasn't up when I returned, I'd wake him then. The Cellar was a favorite bar for immortals, especially Jerome and Carter. It was an old dive of a place down in historic Pioneer Square. The bar didn't generally do a lot of business this time of day, but angels and demons were hardly the types to care about propriety. Jerome might not be answering his phone, but there was a very good chance he was out and about for a morning drink. And, as I came down the steps that led into the establishment, I did indeed feel the wash of a greater immortal signature over me. Only, it wasn't Jerome's. It wasn't even demonic. Carter was sitting alone at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey while the bartender punched in 1970s songs on the jukebox. Carter would've sensed me too, so there was no point in trying to sneak off. I sat on a stool beside him. ââ¬Å"Daughter of Lilith,â⬠he said, waving the bartender back. ââ¬Å"Didn't expect to see you out and about so early.â⬠ââ¬Å"I've had kind of a weird morning,â⬠I told him. ââ¬Å"Coffee, please.â⬠The bartender nodded and poured me a mug from a pot that had probably been sitting there since yesterday. I grimaced, recalling the espresso shops I'd passed on the way here. Of course, Ian would probably love this stuff for its ââ¬Å"authenticity.â⬠ââ¬Å"Do you have any idea where Jerome's at?â⬠I asked, once Carter and I were in relative privacy again. ââ¬Å"Probably in bed.â⬠Carter's gray gaze was focused on the glass as he spoke, carefully studying the play of light off of the amber liquid. ââ¬Å"I don't suppose you'd take me there?â⬠I asked. Carter had teleported me once before in a crisis, but otherwise, I had no clue where my boss hung his boots. Carter gave me a small smile. ââ¬Å"I may be immortal, but there are still some things I fear. Showing up at Jerome's this early in the morning with you in tow is one of them. What's so important? Did you come up with a name for the bowling team?â⬠I held out the memo I'd received. Even before he looked at it closely, Carter's smile fell. I didn't doubt that the paper had some type of Hellish residue that my senses couldn't pick up. When he didn't take the note, I simply set it down in front of him to read. ââ¬Å"A transfer, huh?â⬠His tone was odd, almost like he wasn't surprised. ââ¬Å"Allegedly. But I have to assume there's some kind of mistake. Jerome is supposed to meet with me first, you know? And you saw him last night. There was no indication that anything weird was going. Well. Weirder than usual.â⬠I tapped the paper angrily. ââ¬Å"Someone in HR messed up and sent this on accident.â⬠ââ¬Å"You think so?â⬠asked Carter sadly. ââ¬Å"Well, I certainly don't think Hell's infallible. And I don't see any reason why I would be transferred.â⬠Carter didn't answer, and I studied him carefully. ââ¬Å"Why? Do you know of some reason?â⬠Carter still didn't reply right away and instead downed his drink. ââ¬Å"I know Hell well enough to know they don't need a reason.â⬠A strange feeling settled over me. ââ¬Å"But you do know of one, don't you? You aren't that shocked by this.â⬠ââ¬Å"Hell doesn't really surprise me anymore either.â⬠ââ¬Å"Damn it, Carter!â⬠I exclaimed. ââ¬Å"You're not answering my questions. You're doing that stupid half-truth thing angels do.â⬠ââ¬Å"We can't lie, Georgina. But we can't always tell you everything either. There are rules in the universe that even we can't break. Can I have another?â⬠he called to the bartender. ââ¬Å"A double this time.â⬠The bartender strolled over, arching an eyebrow at Carter's request. ââ¬Å"Kind of early for that, don't you think?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's turning into one of those days,â⬠said Carter. The bartender nodded sagely and liberally refilled the glass before leaving us alone again. ââ¬Å"Carter,â⬠I hissed. ââ¬Å"What do you know? Is this transfer real? Do you know why I got it?â⬠Carter pretended to be intrigued by the light sparkling on his whiskey again. But when he suddenly turned the full force of his gaze on me, I gasped. It was this thing he did sometimes, like he was peering into my soul. Only, there was more to it this time. It was as though for a brief moment, his eyes held all the sadness in the world. ââ¬Å"I don't know if it was a mistake,â⬠he said. ââ¬Å"Maybe it is. Your people certainly get their wires crossed often enough. If it's legitimate . . . if it is, then no, I'm not surprised. I can think of a million reasons, some better than others, for why they would want to move you out of Seattle. None of which I can tell you,â⬠he added sharply, seeing me start to interrogate him. ââ¬Å"Like I said, there are rules to this game, and I have to obey them.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not a game!â⬠I exclaimed. ââ¬Å"It's my life.â⬠A rueful smile played over the angel's lips. ââ¬Å"Same difference, as far as Hell's concerned.â⬠Within me, I began to feel an echo of that terrible sadness I'd briefly seen in his eyes. ââ¬Å"What do I do?â⬠I asked quietly. That seemed to catch Carter off guard. I demanded answers from him all the time, clues to figuring out the many puzzles that seemed to follow me around. I was pretty sure, however, that this was the first time I'd simply asked for such open-ended life advice. ââ¬Å"Let me guess,â⬠I said, seeing him gape. ââ¬Å"You can't tell me.â⬠His expression softened. ââ¬Å"Not in specifics, no. First, you need to find out if this was an error. If it was, then that'll make everyone's life easier.â⬠ââ¬Å"I need Jerome for that,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Maybe Hugh or Mei would know.â⬠ââ¬Å"Maybe,â⬠said Carter, though it didn't sound like he believed it. ââ¬Å"Eventually, Jerome will pick up his phone. Then you'll know.â⬠ââ¬Å"And if it is real?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"Then what?â⬠ââ¬Å"Then, you may have to start packing.â⬠ââ¬Å"That's it? That's all I can do?â⬠Even as I said the words, I knew they were true. You couldn't refuse something like this. I'd had dozens of transfers to prove it. ââ¬Å"Yes,â⬠said Carter. ââ¬Å"We both know you don't have a choice there. The question is, how are you going to let this affect your future?â⬠I frowned, starting to get lost in angel logic. ââ¬Å"What do you mean?â⬠He hesitated, as though reconsidering what he was about to say. At last, he rushed forward with it, leaning close to me. ââ¬Å"Here's what I can tell you. If this is real, then there's a reason for it, absolutely. Not some random re-org. And if there's a reason, it's because you've been doing something Hell doesn't want you to do. So, the question becomes, Georgina, are you going to keep doing whatever it is they don't want you to do?ââ¬
Friday, November 8, 2019
Applying for Federal Loans for Online College Students
Applying for Federal Loans for Online College Students Federal student loans offer distance learners the opportunity to pay for their online class tuition without draining their bank accounts or seeking additional employment. By filling out a single online application, you might qualify for federal student loans with reasonable interest rates and terms. Federal Student Loan Benefits Many banks offer private student loans. However, federal student loans are almost always the best choice for students who qualify. Federal student loans generally offer the lowest interest rates available. Federal loan borrowers are also given generous terms and might be able to defer loan payments if they return to college or are facing hardship. Types of Federal Student Loans The federal government offers several financial aid opportunities for students. Some of the most common federal student loans include: Federal Perkins Loans: These loans offer a very low interest rate and are available to students who demonstrate ââ¬Å"exceptional financial need.â⬠The government pays the interest on Federal Perkins Loans while the student is enrolled in school and for a nine-month grace period following graduation. Students begin making payments after the grace period.Federal Direct Subsidized Loans: Federal direct loans feature a low interest rate. The government pays the interest on subsidized loans while the student is enrolled in school and during a six-month grace period after graduation. Students begin making payments after the grace period.Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans: Unsubsidized loans also feature a low interest rate. However, these loans begin accumulating interest as soon as the loan money is dispersed. After graduation students have a six-month grace period before their first payment is due.Federal Direct PLUS Loans: The Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students is available fo r parents who intend to pay for their childââ¬â¢s education. Parents must pass a credit check or have a qualified cosigner. The first payment is due after the loan is disbursed. Federal Direct PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Degree Students: Adult students may also take out PLUS loans after exhausting the limits for other federal loan options. Students must pass a credit check or have a cosigner. Interest begins accumulating after the loan is disbursed. However, students may ask for a payment deferment while they are in school. In the case of a deferment, the first payment is due 45 days after the end of the deferment period. Online School Student Loan Laws Before 2006, many online students were unable to receive federal aid. In 1992, Congress enacted the 50 Percent Rule, mandating that schools qualify as financial aid distributors by offering more than 50 percent of courses in traditional classrooms. In 2006, the law was overturned. Today a growing number of online schools offer federal student aid. To offer aid, schools must still meet requirements, but the percentage of online courses no longer applies. Online Schools Offering Federal Student Loans Keep in mind that not all online schools offer federal student loans. To find out if your school is able to distribute student loans, call the schoolââ¬â¢s financial aid office. You might also search for the collegeââ¬â¢s federal school code on the federal financial aid website. Qualifying for Federal Student Loans To be eligible for federal student loans you must be a U.S citizen with a social security number. You must have a high school diploma, a GED certificate or have passed an alternative exam. You must be enrolled as a regular student working toward a certificate or degree at a school that is eligible to offer federal aid. Additionally, you must not have certain drug convictions on your record (convictions that happened prior to your eighteenth birthday donââ¬â¢t count, unless you were tried as an adult). You cannot currently be in default for any student loans you already have, or owe the government refund money from grants you were awarded. If you are a male, you must register for Selective Services. If you donââ¬â¢t meet these qualifications, itââ¬â¢s still a good idea to discuss your situation with a financial aid counselor. There is some flexibility with the rules. For example, some non-citizens are eligible to apply for federal aid, and students with recent drug convictions may be able to receive aid if they attend drug rehabilitation. How Much Aid Will You Receive? The type and amount of federal aid you receive is determined by your online school. Aid amount is based on several factors including your financial need, your year in school and the cost of attendance. If you are a dependent, the government will determine an expected family contribution (how much your family should be expected to contribute, based on your parentââ¬â¢s income). For many students, the entire cost of college attendance can be covered by federal student loans and grants. Applying for Federal Student Loans Before applying for federal student loans, set up an in-person or phone appointment with your online schoolââ¬â¢s financial aid counselor. He or she will be able to offer advice for applying and suggestions for alternative sources of aid (such as scholarships and school-based grants). Once youââ¬â¢ve collected the needed documents such as social security numbers and tax returns, itââ¬â¢s easy to apply. You will need to fill out a form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA can be filled out online or on paper. Using Student Loans Wisely When you receive your federal aid award, the bulk of the money will be applied to your tuition. Any remaining money will be given to you for other school-related expenses (textbooks, school supplies, etc.) Often, you will be eligible to receive more money than is necessary. Try to use as little money as possible and return any money you do not need. Remember, student loans must be repaid. Once you finish your online education, you will begin student loan repayment. At this point, consider refinancing your student loans so you have one monthly payment at a lower interest rate. Meet with a financial counselor to discuss your options.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on WAr In The Air
THE WAR IN THE AIR For a saving grace, we didn't see our deceased, Who rarely bothered coming home to die But simply stayed away Somewhere out there, in the clean war Seldom the ghosts come back bearing their tales Of hitting the lithosphere, the incompressible sea, But stayed up there in the passing winds, Shades fading in the mind, The dead who had no graves but only epitaphs Where never so many spoke for never so few At home widows wait and wait Crying for their man That was the good war, the war we won As if there was no death, for goodnessââ¬â¢ sake. With the help of our ââ¬Å"protestsâ⬠towards war They diedâ⬠¦. In the air, in the empty air.... Free Essays on WAr In The Air Free Essays on WAr In The Air THE WAR IN THE AIR For a saving grace, we didn't see our deceased, Who rarely bothered coming home to die But simply stayed away Somewhere out there, in the clean war Seldom the ghosts come back bearing their tales Of hitting the lithosphere, the incompressible sea, But stayed up there in the passing winds, Shades fading in the mind, The dead who had no graves but only epitaphs Where never so many spoke for never so few At home widows wait and wait Crying for their man That was the good war, the war we won As if there was no death, for goodnessââ¬â¢ sake. With the help of our ââ¬Å"protestsâ⬠towards war They diedâ⬠¦. In the air, in the empty air....
Monday, November 4, 2019
Strategy in Action Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategy in Action - Assignment Example (, 2011) Organizational culture is the collection of values and norms that are shared by individuals in an organization that affect interaction within and outside the organization. It is an important tool as it brings employees towards a common goal by developing affinity and provides impetus for growth. A healthy culture promotes self actualization and achievement in employees. Open communication and flexibility within the organization provide grounds for innovation and experimentation. Constructive cultures are empowering and lead to highly motivated employees, team work and growth. (, 2009) The organizational culture of Lionsgate is influenced by its start as an independent film studio which has developed into a major studio with global presence. Thus the culture reflects the entrepreneurial initiative that independent studios boast of. Lionsgate combines flexibility with the strategic management of a major studio with the customer focus of a digital c ompany. A speech by Lionsgateââ¬â¢s co-COO, Jo Drake reflects the organizational culture of taking risks in media and movies, of looking at changes in the market place as challenges, and the focus on entrepreneurship and innovation. (, 2010) Curt Marvis, of Lionsgate, explains Lionsgate corporate culture of getting employees involved. According to him, if one person can do the job instead of ten, then Lionsgate will focus on doing so, and employees will be involved in different things that they can handle. This shows that the culture focuses on employee involvement and ownership; however the fact the Lionsgate has acquired various media companies over the world results in the impression that the organizational culture may vary along the acquired companies and may be not as ingrained as preferred. In the event of mergers and acquisitions, it takes times and effort, many a times unsuccessful to develop the company culture of the parent company in the acquired companies . (, 2009) Challenges facing the Media and Broadcasting industry The Media and broadcasting company is facing major challenges in the future. The biggest challenge is the changing marketplace which has changed the way content is delivered to customers. The popularity of digital delivery poses threats for media and broadcasting companies as customers can access media easily and cheaply on the internet. The industry needs to develop and master digital delivery of television shows, news, movies and music in order to grab the market online and still retain profits (, 2011). Another challenge is the increase in competition due to the abundance of independent film making and the cropping up of new competitors, customers have greater choice due to the internet and companies have to be on their toes to maintain performance. The media industry has seen an increasing trend in takeovers, acquisitions and mergers and thus performance and shareholder value needs to be main tained to protect the company from acquisitions. The media industry faces market saturation not only because of the increasing number of competitors but the increasing number of competitors worldwide and in different formats. News companies, movies and television all face threats from online competitors as well and need to maintain a major online presence. This has resulted in cost and margin difficulties, changing patterns of consumer behavior and the need to provide
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